Your Church needs ‘you’

What if we are all attending Church for the wrong reasons?

I’m not talking about only going to Church for the worship or the preacher or our friends… we all know they’re not reasons to be in a particular Church.

What about those who go to Church and don’t stop to consider why?

Yes we all need to go and hear the word and be ministered to and I would never argue with that obviously.

But what about the reason ‘you’ are called to your church?

I don’t believe for a second you are there to keep a seat full (or warm)


We are all aware that the Church is the body of Christ right? But what does that mean in practice?

There are obviously the spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12)- we each have different ones and different ways of discerning certain situations yes and that is incredible!

But your Church needs ‘you’.. not just your giftings. You are just as important as any of those on the ‘leadership teams’.
As a body is made up of several different parts the Church is made up of several different people with different giftings, experiences and personalities. So why does your church need you?

It needs your honesty and vulnerability.

It desperately needs your willingness to relate to people where others cannot.

Your pastor can’t do it all- if you’ve been through a tough situation you will probably have needed somebody that could relate to that.. ‘you’ are that person in your church.

You are the single mum who new single mums come to chat to when they face tough times and need somebody that ‘gets it’

You are the guy who has overcome an addiction that your pastor knows will hold others accountable.

You are the married couple who went through really tough times and now have the knowledge enough to help others.


Please don’t go to church just for you… go and be you.


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