You’re worth more than your ‘self worth’

It is such a cliche to say that you are your greatest critic but; you really are your greatest critic & I am mine.

I have never been bothered by other people’s opinions because I know my life isn’t theirs to gossip about or insult.

If I am truly not phased by others opinions why do I find myself terrified of public speaking or being in charge? Why do I panic at the first thought of doing something new?

It isn’t incase people think I have messed up but because I don’t think I’m worth it.

I’m not saying I am totally worthless and should never be given room to grow. For me (and quite possibly for many of you) it runs much deeper than that.

When I think of myself I still instantly think of an anxious teenager from a less than ideal background desperate for love and identity. I know that God has saved me and brought me through so much rubbish and I know I am stronger than I ever imagined I would be and have more opportunities than I could have dreamed of (thanks to Him!)

I know it is incredibly hard to view yourself as capable of making a difference when so many people are in the spotlight for different things and you sit looking through Internet pages thinking ‘I could never do that I’m just me’, but yes you could do that.

You may be aware of all the stuff you’ve done and any of the verbal abuse you may have had through school or even bullying but nobody else cares (trust me they really don’t)

This world won’t be changed by perfect people with no past and no baggage – because they don’t exist.

Itwill be changed by those of us who take time to learn to love ourselves in order to love others and have a huge impact.

The beauty of salvation and grace is that none of that insignificant stuff has the right to ruin your future now. It means that regardless of how broken your family is you still have a solid identity. And it means that we are worth so so much more than we would have ever imagined.


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